MoreDuckies FAQ

I did not receive the items I purchased in MoreDuckies Shop.

Contact our support team with the followings.

  1. The item you purchased
  2. Transaction ID
  3. Your Owner Address

How do I find the transaction ID?

Open your HandCash wallet. From “Payments” tap the transaction you are looking for, and then tap “More Information.” When you send us the transaction ID, just copy and paste the URL of WhatsOnChain. Please do not send us screenshots for it is cumbersome to read and type random alphanumeric letters!

How do I find my Owner Address?

Settings > Owner Address

I want to transfer my game data to another device.

First, back up your game file (Owner Private Key) from your current device. You will be presented with your Owner Private Key when you first visit the game site. You can always check it from the Settings page. Second, with your new device, open Settings. Lastly, tap “Load Existing Key” and enter the Owner Private Key you backed up. Now the game data is in sync.

How do I receive ducks from my friend?

Go to Settings > Receive from Friends and share your custom link to your friend. Your friend can send you eggs, ducks and other items to your MoreDuckies app using that link.

Why are my ducks not showing in my MoneyButton/HandCash wallet?

At this moment, neither MoneyButton or HandCash support RUN token protocol in their wallet.

How do I see all the NFTs and tokens I own on-chain?

In the Pond screen, tap the grass at the top right corner, then tap the frog that pops out.

How do I see my NFT and token transaction history?

Pond > United Migratory Service > tap the history icon on the top right.